Sign our open letter to party leaders

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URGENT: Sign our open letter calling on all parties to stop the financial cliff edge for vital homelessness services. 

Government funding for homelessness services is due to end in April 2025. This includes the Rough Sleeper Initiative, which is dedicated to supporting people off the streets. 

Thousands of people experiencing homelessness rely on this vital funding. If it’s not extended, about a third of the projects that St Mungo’s deliver with local authorities may not be able to run.

This will put frontline services and the people who rely on them on a financial cliff edge.  

With homelessness figures at an all-time high in the midst of a cost of living crisis, this funding must be extended and uplifted. 

We are calling on all political parties to commit now to continuing and increasing this funding if they get into power. 

We need to show party leaders just how many people care about this issue.

That's why we're asking you to add your name to this letter.  

The General Election campaign period is our chance to influence party commitments, and show future leaders why homelessness should be at their forefront of their plans. 

Please add your name today. 

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